Something is wrong? tl;dr

Where can I find datasets in Ghana? Which businesses are viable in Nigeria? How can I learn about prevalent chronic diseases in South Africa?


Since 2020, I've been asking these questions and conducting research, realizing that Africa lacks unified datasets. We need a well-prepared dataset to inform us about our continent and its regions. As a software and machine learning engineer, I've found it challenging to locate well-prepared datasets for analysis and modeling. Although not entirely absent, they are scarce. Many of my friends who are developers, scientists, and corporate workers share similar concerns. Recognizing the importance of data for informed decision-making, the US government launched an open data site,, which has amassed millions of datasets in just 15 years. No one has built a similar platform tailored to Africa, which is essential

Why it needed a fix

After discussing this issue with people from various fields, I was convinced that it needed to be addressed. I designed a UI and developed the entire platform within two weeks, with my colleague Yakubu reviewing and finalizing the first iteration.

The Vision | 10 years vision

We want to be the #1 place to get datasets in Africa. We will be the Kaggle or statists for Africa AfricaBase will aim to ensure that even someone with a high school, education can access data and become informed on any subject before or after personal analysis.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help you understand your continent or country better, whether for decision-making, inquiries, or research. If our platform proves useful, we've achieved our goal.

The platform: AfricaBase

AfricaBase is a data platform with robust search filters that help you navigate. You can view dataset details on the platform, which are typically in CSV or Excel formats. We handle all types of datasets, including tabular, text, and images. Some data requires signing a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) due to its sensitivity. If we paid to obtain the data, a fee may be required to access it.

Data collection:

We automatically monitor various sources, check data websites, and news reports, and rely on contributors for data submissions. It's a good mix of data scraping (30%), automation (20%), and manual work (50%).


Team and contribution

Our initial team of contributors includes Yakubu Seidu, a software engineer; Lord Offin, also a software engineer; Michael, a pharmacist; and myself. We view contributors and team members as equal partners because DATA is all we need. You can reach out to me if you want to contribute.